Baring my teeth in order to protect animals and nature.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful for Animal Rescues

Poor Lahela was an outdoor cat, living around a trailer park. She’d already had a hard life, having recently given birth to a litter of kittens who didn’t make it. But she did have a neighbor who left food out for her and the other local outdoor cats. And that turns out to have been her saving grace!
Because one night, Lahela was seriously injured by a coyote a coyote. It was the woman who’d been feeding her that saved her, running out to scare the coyote away. The coyote dropped Lahela and fled. But she was badly shaken. Not just emotionally, but physically. She’d been literally shaken hard!
As a result, Lahela, when taken to the vet, was diagnosed with a traumatic neurological condition.
Her eyes were not dilating in light. She couldn’t walk without falling, and there was brain swelling. Thanks to the support of a local rescue group, Lahela got all of the emergency vetting she needed. The bite wound healed easily, and the brain swelling reduced. But the neurological problems wouldn’t vanish; she was still had a disoriented gait and very limited vision. Clearly, Lahela clearly would not survive if she were put back outdoors. That’s when the rescue group had to decide what to do. Lahela had always been an outdoor cat, so she wasn’t affectionate. Add that to her medical condition, and there just wasn’t any home willing to take her.
So she went to Best Friends, for extremely special care. Guardian Angels, please welcome Lahela! This is a cat with a lot of odds stacked against her. And she’s going to need the healing power of the Sanctuary as much as any cat ever has!


A pod of 61 whales beached themselves at Farewell Spit in New Zealand on Monday. Officials decided to euthanize the 18 that were still alive Wednesday. It’s not clear why whales beach themselves, but one theory holds that when a sick individual heads to shore to die, the others follow. Is suicide a thing in the animal kingdom?
Sort of. There is plenty of evidence that animals engage in self-destructive behavior. In addition to the beached whales, ducks and dogs have been observed drowning themselves, cows have walked off cliffs, and naked mole rats (like some insects) leave the colony to die when infected with a communicable disease. It’s not clear that any of these behaviors are comparable to human suicide, though, because suicide involves a set of higher-order cognitive abilities. It requires an awareness of one’s own existence, an ability to speculate about the future, and the knowledge that an act will result in death. There are indications that certain animals have some of these capacities. Dolphins, many primates, magpies, and elephants can recognize themselves in a mirror, suggesting self-awareness. Some animals know how to pretend during play activities (PDF), which indicates an ability to imagine counterfactual worlds. Still, no one really knows which animals, if any, can combine these capacities to perform an act similar to human suicide.
Victorian scientists were particularly interested in this question, according to historian Edmund Ramsden in a 2010 article. Humane societies were eager to prove that animals experienced humanlike emotions, and animal suicides offered proof. A series of such stories began to appear in periodicals in 1845. One involved a depressed Newfoundland dog that repeatedly leapt into the water, kept its limbs still, and held his “head determinedly under water for a few minutes.” Other dogs drowned or starved themselves after losing their owners. A deer jumped from a precipice to avoid capture by hunting dogs. A duck drowned itself after the death of its mate. Scorpions were thought to sting themselves when surrounded by fire. Researchers engaged in a fierce and ultimately inconclusive debate over whether any of these behaviors should be considered suicide. (Except for the scorpions, which clearly were not attempting suicide—they’re immune to their own venom.)
Even when scientists can explain the neurobiological basis of an animal’s self-destructive behavior, it’s still not always clear whether it’s fair to call the act suicide. The parasite Toxoplasma gondii affects the brains of rodents and causes them to be attracted to their mortal enemy—the cat. It would be easy to dismiss this kind of rat suicide as irrelevant to our own behavior if not for some hints that infection can play a role in human suicides as well. In a 2009 study of patients with recurrent mood disorders, University of Maryland researchers found that those with high levels of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies were more likely to have attempted suicide. This study is preliminary, though, and there’s no sign of a causal connection.
No matter the motivation, self-destruction appears to be something that exists in even the simplest life forms. Single-celled marine algae engage in programmed cell death when exposed to stresses that they’re fully capable of overcoming. Researchers recently discovered that the “suicide” of some cells promoted growth in the survivors. Like infected mole rats or bees that abandon the colony to prevent an epidemic, algae die for the good of the community.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Horrible... A Vet should value life more than this.

Allen and Alison Holmes let their Border Collie/Corgi mix out in the backyard to enjoy some pleasant weather a couple of weeks ago. Allen took a picture of her drinking from a metal wash basin at 12:06 p.m. The dog, Basie, was like their child; they’d had her since she was a puppy, and they doted on her. “She was just a delightful dog,” Allen Holmes told The

“She was actually doing pretty well that morning,” he said. “She’d eaten. She’d gone to the bathroom. She was drinking out of the washbasin. I thought that was cute. She did have trouble moving, but she was able to walk.”

When he went out 15 minutes later to see how she was doing, she was gone. It was baffling, because at her age, Basie was not a fast mover. In fact, the Holmeses didn’t think she could or would leave the yard on her own.

The couple scoured the area for her, plastering signs everywhere, and talking with neighbors. But by about 3 p.m., unknown to them, it was too late. Their dog had already been euthanized by a nearby veterinarian.

At a local animal shelter the next morning, they found what was left of their beloved old dog: just her cremated remains. They are devastated.

The last photo of Basie, taken in her backyard within three hours of her euthanasia (Photo: Allen Holmes, via The Patch)

“The shift supervisors gave us the exam record and they said that she arrived at 12:20 p.m. The picture that I took was at 12:06 p.m. It’s about a 10-minute drive to the shelter,” Allen Holmes told the Patch.
“We had no chance of finding her in that time,” said Alison Holmes. “When we did find her, it was only because of our tireless searching. No one called us.”

“To give us no opportunity to be there is horrifyingly wrong,” Alison said in an interview with WUSA-9.

The story they’ve been told is that the dog was found in the woods (actually some rows of trees, the couple says) near their house by a woman who brought the dog to her own veterinarian, Crosspointe Animal Hospital, in Fairfax Station. The Holmeses think the woman was probably concerned about Basie because the dog was very thin, despite the high-quality diet they fed her.

The veterinarian checked out the dog, found no collar but plenty of ailments of old age, and euthanized her. According to Virginia Code 3.2-6507, it’s legal for a veterinarian to euthanize a sick or injured dog without the owner’s permission if the owner can’t immediately be located.

The Holmeses say her neck was irritated by the collar (old dogs can have sensitive skin) so she wasn’t wearing hers.

The couple said Basie was not ready to die and that they were not ready to part with her. They are haunted by the idea that she was alone, without them, when she was killed. “We wanted to be there if she was euthanized. We didn’t feel like it was quite the time, but somebody else did,” Allen said. They have not decided if they will take legal action.

Animal hospital management claims staff immediately tried to contact the Prince William County Animal Shelter (the shelter for the county where the dog had been found), but the shelter refused to pick up Basie. But the next day her ashes were at the Fairfax County Animal Shelter. It seems somehow someone had transported her — or at least her body — from Point A to Point B.

Basie (Photo: Allen and Alison Holmes, via The Patch)

The vet may have seen a decrepit old dog and figured she had no decent home, but if s/he had looked at her well-trimmed nails, or inside her mouth, where the Holmeses say Basie recently had a tooth extracted, there were pretty good hints that the dog had a home.

“We really took care of her,” Allen Holmes said.

So did the veterinarian …

A veterinarian should value every animal's life. Give it every chance to live. Not decide it's fate within ten minutes of seeing it. I've had old animals and I've known how badly they looked but I also knew that their spirit was still there and not going anywhere anytime soon. I can only imagine how horrifying and traumatic this experience would be.

Vegetarianism... Not Quite.

How can I fight so hard for the protection of animals and nature while I eat meat every meal?

Why am I not a vegetarian?

Animals taste really good. Sorry, I really don't have a better reason than that. I do have my justifications though. I feel that we are capable and able to eat meat without impacting the environment. If we select our protein sources well.

I feel that if we breed and raise domestic livestock then we are entitled to eat it. We take care of these animals to end up as food. This type of agriculture is found in many different animals. Termites, ants, bees.

Damselfish farming activity can have profound effects on the structure of the algal community. The territorial fish protect their dense stands of filamentous algae aggressively from other herbivores, thus reducing grazing pressure and increasing productivity. Non-destructive cropping of algae, which promotes exponential growth, is often observed, and some damselfish even selectively weed out indigestible algal species. These fish do in fact maintain farms of algae that are harvested for food, with management techniques.

Much like how we raise our food. Pigs, cows, and chickens are commercially farmed for food. Even species of fish are farm raised for food. We farm our food. Just like we farm the fruits and vegetables that are a part of our diet.

Now, I do still believe that the livestock used for food deserves humane treatment. I feel that slaughterhouses should treat every animal with respect and give them the best care possible. There are many dark blurry videos of PETA members hiding in slaughterhouses, watching chickens be killed by wringing their necks or cattle being killed by blunt force trauma to the skull. And it makes me sick that the animals are treated that badly. Slaughterhouses like that should be closed down.

In terms of fish protein, it may be the simplest and most beneficial protein source. Fish are full of omega-3 fatty acids which have been proven to improve brain function. It is also commonly farm raised if you're willing to work for it a little more. Salmon is readily farm raised. But farm raised fish aren't always readily available unless you look for it. But don't you think it's worth it to protect the world's oceans?  Think of all the animals caught up in fishing nets that die.


Pet Insurance Fraud

HUNDREDS of pets are being killed and maimed by callous owners to get insurance cash, investigators revealed yesterday.

Fake compensation claims quadrupled last year — with almost £2MILLION worth of fraud detected.
Some owners bump off their pets so they can claim an early-death payout. Others deliberately harm their animals — then claim they were injured in accidents.

Some cats and dogs also disappear mysteriously to cash in on policies that pay out if an animal is lost or stolen, says the Association of British Insurers.

The sick scam mirrors the "cash for crash" claims made on cars that are deliberately damaged for the insurance payouts.

Insurance experts say the pet payouts swindle is now the fastest growing area in the industry — and believe some vets must be involved.

One trick is to include claims for vet treatments that have not been carried out. Some healthy pets have even been deliberately put down to claim the insurance.

Fraud investigator Carys Clarke said £420,000 in bogus pet claims was detected in 2009, but this jumped to £1,929,900 last year — and the true scale is probably far higher.

She added: "The deliberate destruction or maiming of an animal can be disguised as an accident."
Last year there were 2.3million cats and dogs insured.

The ABI is now arranging a database of information about insured animals to help detect fraud.

Monday, November 14, 2011

November Feral Cat Clinic

The November Feral Cat Clinic was exciting.

I got there early and helped draw the three in one vaccines before the clinic started. The three in ones had to be done differently then the rabies. The sterile dilutent was drawn into the syringe and then squirted into the powdered vaccine before being drawn back into the syringe.

Annika was involuntarily volunteered to be the one to sedate the cats. It was amusing to watch her because everytime a cat moved, she would almost shriek. It was entertaining. Kim got there later to give the anesthesia.

I opted to be the one who transferred them from the sedation room into the room where everything was going on. I think I like that area the most because I can see the cat's personalities. Some come in scared stiff to the point where injecting the anesthesia is incredibly easy. Others come in angry at the world and angry at us for taking them from their angry world. Others come in as stray pets that simply miss being loved and rub against fingers and syringes. Two came in with collars but no name tags. One had a microchip but it hadn't been registered. We checked for ear tips to show that some cats had already been through this trauma once already.

This time there were really little babies. They looked so tiny in the feral cat traps. Their personalities were so different from the adults. They seemed scared but inquisitive, as if they hadn't learned not to trust humans yet. They accepted it as an adventure.

Three had been sedated and surgery performed on but it was difficult bringing them out. So three others about the same side weren't done. It was risky. Because we couldn't guarantee that they would be caught to have a second chance.

It was an extremely long clinic. Last month, we did four hundred and nine cats over both Saturday and Sunday. But this time, we had four hundred and eleven dropped off. And we were doing them all in one day.

There weren't as many veterinarians as there were last month. For most of the day there were four but at one time there were only three. It was definitely daunting because last month there were like six. Dr. Henderson, Dr. Lalor, Dr. Wagner, and Dr. Goodman were performing the surgeries.

Most of the other volunteers and Kim left at four but I had decided that I would see it through to the end. I took over the bookkeeping aspect, logging down the genders of each of the remaining hundred or more cats, writing down which vet performed the spay on the females, and any medical conditions.

The genders were being shouted out by two other volunteers, Debbie and Rich, once the cats were sedated enough to be removed from the cage. Some had already been fixed.

Males were able to be done quickly because neutering is almost completely non-invasive. The scrotum was slit open and the testicle was squeezed out. Knots were tied in the tube and then the tube was cut. The knots were tucked back into the empty scrotum and stitches were done. Ocassionally there were some interesting neuters like undescended testicles which the doctors refered to as high flanking.

Females weren't as easy or quick. The surgery was delicate. An inch long slit was placed through the skin and abdominal wall. A hook was used to withdraw the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The pedicel was tied off and cut first. The uterus was drawn out and a knot was placed around the cervix. Once knotted, the entire uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries were removed. Stitches were placed in the abdominal wall followed by subcutaneous stitches. A small line of Vetbond was glued over the stitches. One female had a torn pedical. Another female had something called uteran unicornus which meant that the female only had one ovary.

Once down with the respective surgeries temperatures, breathing rates, and membrane colors were checked. The vaccines were distributed. Females and males with undescended testicles were given Buprenorphine for the pain post-op. Medical conditions were looked for and noted during that stage. Ears were tipped to show that they had been surgically sterilized to reduce the feral cat population's growth.

It is a myth that fleas can't occur in Vegas. But for some reason, they aren't seen in the pet population only the feral population. One of the kittens that I was warming back up after coming out of surgery had a flea on her.

Fleas were treated with Frontline, ear mites were treated with Ivermectin, and if they needed to be reversed out of anesthesia it was done withe Yobine.

The cats were then taken to another room where they were bathed and brushed. Some required some extra attention as they woke up. Ideally, they should be twitching their ears, blinking, or licking at their lips when placed back in the traps. But then again with so many cats, it was hard. So some volunteers watched them while they woke up in their traps to ensure everything was going okay.

It was alot of fun and exciting.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Mission

A lot of my thoughts really don't make sense in this. I understand that. My train of thought is more like a train wreck. So I think I need to blatantly share my mission.

I want to change the world. The world of animals.

I want...

...To stop pain and suffering
...To end animal abuse so that no animal is ever touched in a cruel way.
...To end neglect and ensure that every pet will be fed and watered, granted access to a warm bed, and lots of love.
...Educate people on the proper care of their animals.
...Find a way to make veterinary medicine affordable so that no one will allow their animal to suffer on the
...Every stray and homeless pet to find homes so that feral cat clinics and animal shelters no longer need to exist.
...Make sure that the animal shelters that must remain have enough funding to find every dog a home.
...To end kill shelters.
...To bring animals back from the edge of death when no one else thought they would survive.
...To give every animal a chance to survive, no matter how big or small it is.
...To breed endangered species and bring those species back from the edge of extinction.
...To stop the illegal poaching
...To stop the destruction of natural land

I really don't want that much. Hahaha.

I don't know how I'll accomplish all of it but I'm gonna try.