Baring my teeth in order to protect animals and nature.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Mission

A lot of my thoughts really don't make sense in this. I understand that. My train of thought is more like a train wreck. So I think I need to blatantly share my mission.

I want to change the world. The world of animals.

I want...

...To stop pain and suffering
...To end animal abuse so that no animal is ever touched in a cruel way.
...To end neglect and ensure that every pet will be fed and watered, granted access to a warm bed, and lots of love.
...Educate people on the proper care of their animals.
...Find a way to make veterinary medicine affordable so that no one will allow their animal to suffer on the
...Every stray and homeless pet to find homes so that feral cat clinics and animal shelters no longer need to exist.
...Make sure that the animal shelters that must remain have enough funding to find every dog a home.
...To end kill shelters.
...To bring animals back from the edge of death when no one else thought they would survive.
...To give every animal a chance to survive, no matter how big or small it is.
...To breed endangered species and bring those species back from the edge of extinction.
...To stop the illegal poaching
...To stop the destruction of natural land

I really don't want that much. Hahaha.

I don't know how I'll accomplish all of it but I'm gonna try.

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