Baring my teeth in order to protect animals and nature.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful for Animal Rescues

Poor Lahela was an outdoor cat, living around a trailer park. She’d already had a hard life, having recently given birth to a litter of kittens who didn’t make it. But she did have a neighbor who left food out for her and the other local outdoor cats. And that turns out to have been her saving grace!
Because one night, Lahela was seriously injured by a coyote a coyote. It was the woman who’d been feeding her that saved her, running out to scare the coyote away. The coyote dropped Lahela and fled. But she was badly shaken. Not just emotionally, but physically. She’d been literally shaken hard!
As a result, Lahela, when taken to the vet, was diagnosed with a traumatic neurological condition.
Her eyes were not dilating in light. She couldn’t walk without falling, and there was brain swelling. Thanks to the support of a local rescue group, Lahela got all of the emergency vetting she needed. The bite wound healed easily, and the brain swelling reduced. But the neurological problems wouldn’t vanish; she was still had a disoriented gait and very limited vision. Clearly, Lahela clearly would not survive if she were put back outdoors. That’s when the rescue group had to decide what to do. Lahela had always been an outdoor cat, so she wasn’t affectionate. Add that to her medical condition, and there just wasn’t any home willing to take her.
So she went to Best Friends, for extremely special care. Guardian Angels, please welcome Lahela! This is a cat with a lot of odds stacked against her. And she’s going to need the healing power of the Sanctuary as much as any cat ever has!

1 comment:

  1. LaHela was adopted from Best Friends and is now in her forever home. You can come visit her at:
    She is a true success story of how an injured feral cat can become a house cat!
