Baring my teeth in order to protect animals and nature.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Leopard Geckos

Originally, I didn't like leopard geckos. I didn't mind them but they weren't something I was going to keep myself. The little ones always hissed and acted like they were going to bite. They aren't very intimidating when they are only three inches. But I didn't like their attitudes.

Until I met House, the most incredible leopard gecko ever with the most horrible story. Someone brought this leopard gecko into work with his intestines dragging through sand. NEVER house two male reptiles together. It ends badly. His name was Killer and the other gecko had ripped his abdomen open. The owner had allowed the gecko to stay like that, walking around with the aggressive gecko still attacking him and his intestines dragging through the sand for three days, before he decided to do something about it. And what he does, is brings it to a Petsmart. Not a vet, but a Petsmart. My reaction... Take it to a damn vet before it dies, moron. I kept it more PG than what I really said. Of course, being an irresponsible pet owner, he didn't want to spend the money to take the leopard gecko to the vet. So I took Killer. And renamed him House after Dr. House. It was nine o clock and no vets were open. So I used a saline wash and betadine to rinse out as much sand as possible before bandaging everything within the belly. I took him to the vet the next day where they told me that there was nothing that could be done and he was going to die. I couldn't really afford the cost of euthanasia so I took him home. Melissa and I cleaned the wound further and stitched him up. He actually laid really still and did not struggle even though I'm sure it hurt without any sedatives. His lack of reaction either meant he was a really mellow gecko or he was too far gone to even notice what was going on. I fed him Repti-Aid with antibiotics twice a day. His energy picked up and he did manage to hunt crickets on his own but he wouldn't keep the bandage around the stitches to keep the area clean. One cleaning, he struggled and part of the intestine came out through the stitches. the intestine began to turn purple from lack of circulation. The stitches were hastily removed to free the trapped tissue. Brent stitched the wound back up. The wound healed and I removed the stitches. But three months later, he passed. Guessing from some sort of slow building infection. But I tried and that's what mattered. And his tought spirit made me fall in love with him and leopard geckos.

Gojira was intended to be House's girlfriend but he passed before they ever got to know eachother. She isn't as handleable as House was. She's a lot more nervy. But not skittish, not scared. Just sassy and full of attitude. She will let you hold her on her terms and her terms only. But she doesn't bite.

Pudge came from Petsmart with no tail. She doesn't heave a tail. Rather she has this big bulge that one could almost mistake for a second head. She is mellow but a little scared sometimes.

Ghidorah is the male that I got from Jennifer and Charles. He's beautiful with a purple tail and a yellow body. He has been losing some weight since he came to my house but we're working on getting him fat and happy again.

Rodan is a royal brat. She definitely bites. No matter how much I handle her. In fact, the only way to handle her is if she has me in her mouth, then she'll sit happy in my hands. But it's like a pinch and not too painful. I keep her around because she is like a komodo dragon when eating. She eats pinkies and anything she can with a voracious appetite.

Godzilla is a jungle pattern leopard gecko. More spots then any of the others. I stole the name from Jennifer and Charles other leopard gecko.

Kilojara is the baby. A customer had brought in a pair of eggs and gave them to me. I put them in my incubator and waited. One egg began to decay so I didn't have much hope for the other. But sure enough, it eventually hatched out a baby leopard gecko. It is missing part of an eyelid and the eyes are missized but doesn't effect it at all. It loves life.

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